On 17 SEPT 24 the Garrison Commander Reestablished Sportsmen Access to Quanah Range utilizing Master Lock Vault. 

For access protocols please click here  

During muzzleloader, youth gun, deer gun and elk gun seasons, the fishing areas are limited due to safety reasons. General recreation is completely turned off during all gun seasons. We apologize for the inconvenience, but safety is our top priority.

Group hunting is available during applicable seasons. It is allowed for up to three people. The first person enters as the group leader and receives a code for each day. The other two people use each specific day's code to enter the lottery as a participant. You will win or lose AS A GROUP and EACH DAY HAS A UNIQUE CODE

See the Big Game Circular for Lottery Procedures

For Elk Archery, Primitive Muzzleloader, Modern Muzzleloader and Deer Gun, you may send a representative in your place. Your representative MUST HAVE: a copy of your ID and a copy of your printed iSportsman permits.

For Elk Gun and Youth Gun, in-person attendance is REQUIRED.

State licensing must be purchased for any hunting or fishing activity. In addition to the state licensing, you must also purchase the installation permits. The available permits are linked under the “Permits Information” tab. Prior to entering the lotteries, you must have a hunting or hunt/fish combo permit purchased for both the state and the installation. For all Elk draws, you must also have the installation Elk Eligibility Permit purchased.

Under the “Permits Information” tab is the eligibility requirements to become a permit holder. If you do not qualify to be a permit holder, you can be a guest holder and recreate with a sponsor after purchasing a daily permit. A sponsor is a DOD ID card holder eligible to recreate on Fort Sill.

A guest must first create an iSportsman account. The guest will purchase a daily permit for the selected activity (small game, recreation, fishing, big game). Once the daily permit is purchased, the guest will be issued a 6 digt permit number.

The sponsor will go to their check-in screen. On the "additional participants/guests" screen, the sponsor will select "Yes". The sponsor will type in the Guest's 6 digit permit number and first initial of the last name, and then click/tap "Add". The guest is now checked in with the sponsor.

If you pass on your winning slot, you forfeit your area. If you accept your winning slot, and check with your selected range throughout the day, as spots open up (via harvest, completed hunt, etc.), you can change hunting compartments WITHIN YOUR ASSIGNED RANGE ONLY. There is no switching from a cow tag to an E/S tag.

See the Big Game Circular for specific lottery and big game regulations and procedures.

Yes, and we encourage participation from even those that were not successful for the draw. This is a great opportunity to help out new hunters that were drawn successfully and socialize as sportsmen.